
(2024). MR-Adopt: Automatic Deduction of Input Transformation Function for Metamorphic Testing. ASE 2024.

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(2024). MR-Scout: Automated Synthesis of Metamorphic Relations from Existing Test Cases. TOSEM 2024.

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(2022). Tracking patches for open source software vulnerabilities. FSE 2022.

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(2022). Characterizing usages, updates and risks of third-party libraries in Java projects. EMSE 2022.

(2020). Interactive, effort-aware library version harmonization. FSE 2020.

(2020). An empirical study of usages, updates and risks of third-party libraries in java projects. ICSME 2020.

(2019). MULAPI: A tool for API method and usage location recommendation. ICSE Tool 2019.

(2018). MULAPI: Improving API method recommendation with API usage location. JSS 2018.